Peyton Walker Foundation Logo

Checking Hearts. Protecting Hearts. Saving Lives.


Apply for an AED


AED Donation Requests

Please Note:
Priority is given to non-profit organizations that serve children, youth groups and student athletes. Our donation area targets the geographic region of Central Pennsylvania.  Central Pennsylvania consists of the following counties:  Adams, Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, York.  Unfortunately, we are unable to donate outside of those counties. 

The value of the AED package is over $2,200.  There is a cost share for organizations receiving an AED.  The cost share is typically $350.00.  Before submitting your request, please confirm that your organization has the funds available to pay this fee and can meet the Foundation’s Terms and Conditions.

​Terms and Conditions
1. Pay the cost share of $350 upon receipt of the AED.
2. Register the AED with the manufacturer & with Local EMS.
3. Inform The Peyton Walker Foundation when your contact person changes.
4. Assure the AED will be accessible, properly stored and maintained.
(Current replacement costs: Battery – $395; Adult pads – $69; Pediatric pads – $102)
5. Assure staff will be trained and cardiac response plan will be in place. Cardiac Response Plan ideas: Project ADAM/Heart Safe Schools
6. Promote the donation and The Peyton Walker Foundation through social media, newsletter, etc.
7. Inform The Peyton Walker Foundation if the AED was used in an emergency.
8. This donation is only for the organization requesting the AED. If your organization disbands, we request that you promptly return the AED unit to The Peyton Walker Foundation.

If you are interested in requesting an AED donation for your facility, please complete the AED Grant Application (link below).  Submit your completed AED Grant Application along with organization’s 501c3 approval letter for consideration.

​Please Note:
The AED Donation Committee will review requests quarterly (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 15). We will contact you if we need additional information or clarification. 


Our generous partners at AmeriChoice Federal Credit Union have offered to replace any batteries or pads for organizations that have received an AED through the AED Donation Program.  To request your replacement part, simply click the Request Replacement Parts button.

AED Donations: Saving Lives Partnership Program

AEDs Save Lives – It’s That Simple

According to Parent Heart Watch, “Most occurrences of SCA in youth occur in public places.  The increased availability of publicly accessible Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in schools and school-sponsored athletic events will dramatically increase the probability that youth will survive SCA.”

​Evidence shows that schools with AEDs and an emergency action plan have a survival rate of up to 64% (versus the national average of a mere 8%).  – Parent Heart Watch

To date, The Peyton Walker Foundation has donated over 600 AEDs to schoolsathletic organizationsnonprofit public venues and other organizations that meet our criteria.


Make Your AED Accessible To Your Neighbors!

​If your organization/school will not be meeting or in session, please make your AEDs accessible and available to the community in case of a cardiac emergency.  If possible, bring the AED home and communicate to your neighbors that the AED is available in case of a cardiac emergency.

Also, we recommend contacting your local police and fire station to inform them of the address of where the AED is located. Please consider doing this for all the AEDs you have access to and spread them throughout your communities!

Additional training can be found in this video.

Thank you for helping us to protect hearts and save lives!

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