Meet Erica
In 2019, Sue saved Erica’s life during a Dillsburg Little League game. Erica, a mother of one of the players on the field went into Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and #HeartHero Sue didn’t skip a beat. She immediately began CPR and with the use of an AED that was donated by The Peyton Walker Foundation was able to life Erica’s life.
Julie B Walker, Foundation Executive Director and Peyton’s Mom points out that, “Every second counts, especially with less than 10 minutes to save a life. We need the public to feel confident to take action in an emergency and are grateful that Sue Bruce did just that when a player’s Mom collapsed during an East Penn v. Dillsburg Little League game. We know that being trained and having access to AEDs can mean the difference between life and death and we are working hard to donate as many as possible throughout the region. We are so grateful that this young player still has his beautiful mom today, thanks to Sue, Coach Matt Pearson, one of our donated AEDs, and the emergency responders