Peyton Walker Foundation Logo

Checking Hearts. Protecting Hearts. Saving Lives.


Survival Stories

Meet Alicia

Meet Alicia

On the afternoon of February 20, 2023, Alicia, who was 10 then, was skating with her church youth group. While skating she started to feel dizzy, so she was told to sit and rest. Instead, Alicia jumped back up and skated out to the rink. While skating, she bent down...

Meet Erica

Meet Erica

In 2019, Sue saved Erica’s life during a Dillsburg Little League game. Erica, a mother of one of the players on the field went into Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and #HeartHero Sue didn’t skip a beat. She immediately began CPR and with the use of an AED that was donated by...

Meet Sam

Meet Sam

Soccer player and all-around athlete, Sam, and 200 local students & athletes attended our very first free heart screening clinic in March 2015.  Sam – and her family – thought everything was fine.  Sam had no previous symptoms and no family history.  However, our...

The Wiz Kid

The Wiz Kid

​"Wiz" is a 4 sport student-athlete.  He plays soccer, basketball and track and is also a 2-time national speed skating champion. Wiz is the picture of health.  He is strong and physically fit. Looking at Wiz - you can’t you tell that he has a serious heart condition....

Our Story

Our mission is to increase awareness and survival rates for Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Checking Hearts. Protecting Hearts. Saving Lives.

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